Office Plants Make the Office a Better Place to Work In

There is a traditional view that a few plants adds much needed color to a room. It was pretty much the same view that people had of plants in the office, bringing a little taste of home to a place of work. However, office plants offer much more than just a homely feel or a little color, with research showing that there are distinct advantages to any business that chooses to invest in them.
Amongst the recognized benefits of indoor plants are the improvements that they make to the environment in health terms, as well as the resulting positive psychological effects they have on occupants and the consequential drop in absenteeism. A third advantage of indoor office plants is the positive impression that they can have on clients, helping to build a company image that is will lead to increased business and revenue. Just how these are accomplished is not very difficult to explain.
Improve Office Environment Even in high school biology class, we are taught that plants provide the oxygen we all need. Often, in offices with no or minimal amount of foliage, there can be a stale or sterile quality noted in the office atmosphere, something that clearly relates to a poor quality of air. Also known as dead air, it drains energy levels of office personnel, resulting in production levels falling and instances of human error increasing.

The reason for this is that, with so many people breathing the same air in one area, high levels of carbon dioxide are produced. However, with sufficient plant life, the air quality can be improved naturally and quite dramatically. Not only are oxygen levels replenished, but the level of airborne dust is also reduced, certain toxic gases such as formaldehyde and benzene are removed, and the temperature is more effectively managed. These aspects of office environment are usually managed by air conditioners and dehumidifiers. Since these machines need electricity to work, they add to the overall running costs of the office. Besides providing a natural remedy to a poor office environment, having plants in the office is actually much lower in cost.

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